Featured Designer_ KD Yoon, T.B.O.S. Independent
Where are you based_ Seoul, South Korea
Age_ 31
Where did you study_ Esmod Seoul
What year did you graduate_ 2015
When did you first start employing the process of upcycling in your work?
In 2014, when I was working on my graduation work, I started working with scraps of discarded fabric and cans that were easily available around me.
What materials do you use in your work?
There is no limitation. I’m always looking for new material.
How does the process of upcycling influence your work?
It's interesting that upcycling requires more imagination because there are so many limitations. It is also interesting to find new details while dismantling.
What role does the process of upcycling play in the fashion industry today? How do you see the craft evolving?
It is meaningful to raise awareness about recycling and environmental issues to many consumers. The upcycling process is already affecting many industries, not just fashion.
What is the role of the designer in these times?
There is nothing special about the designer of this time. All you have to do is create whatever you can imagine.
What advice would you give other young designers?
I want you to bring the cool ideas you have in your head to life. We can punch each other with those ideas. Like a boxer.
What’s up next for you?
No plans. I will believe in my instincts and create.
— KD Yoon is a Korean designer who lives and works in Seoul. / @tbos_independent